Flip It, Flip It Good

AO: BattleGround Flip the Coin Work-Out Warm-o-rama: Shoulder circles, butt kicks, walk down planks, front, back, side kicks Flip the Coin Heads Tails 50 Bob and Weaves 50 Skaters 30 Boy Bands (criss cross legs, drop down in a squat) 30 Plank Jacks 30 Front kicks 30 Back kicks 50 Cherry Pickers (L/Middle/Right) 2 times around the circle: Camel Walk (walk like a camel, keeping legs straight) 30 Flutter Kicks 30 Scissor kicks 30 Round House kicks 30 alternating Side Kicks 30 Dollies (laying down, legs raised 6 inches, open and close legs-Don’t touch the ground) 30 Dories (same as Dollies, but raise legs up and down) 30 Drops (hand to high knee, hand to lifted leg, squat) 30 Jumping Jacks 30 Hillbillies (standing-hands behind head, same side knee to same side elbow) 30 Imperial Walkers (standing-opposite knee to opposite elbow) 2 minute wall sit 30 Werkins (wide arm push ups) Mosey to the other side 5x Lunge to the other side 5x 30 Angry Donkey kicks on the stage wall 30 Mountain climbers We flipped the coin for the first round, anything that wasn't completed was done on the second round. Q: Yachty. PAX: Sweet Tooth, Minnie, Daisy
