13 August 2021
The Breakfast Club
Q: The Force
PAX: Elevate, Warrior, Captain Camo
Workout: We started out lying supine on the mat with thread-the-needle on our backs. Then we hugged our knees into our chest and moved into our belly turning twist (apanasana to jathara parivrtti). Then we used the yoga straps to do a supine hamstring stretch and hip opener (supta eka padangusthasana to supta parsva padangusthasana). Then we used the strap to do a supine butterfly and really stretch the groin and hip muscles (supta baddha konasana).
As you can see from the pictures above, we moved into using the blocks to help with nice supine back bends. Then we moved into kneeling poses starting with stacking the blocks and stretching each side. Then we moved into child's pose (balasana), cat/cow (bidalasana/cakravakasana), then to downdog into upward dog (adho mukha svanasana into urdhva mukha svanasana).
We moved into a low lunge twist starting with the left side and then leaned back to stretch the left hamstring in our low lunge (banarasana). Then we used the blocks again for shoulder rotations and a modified puppy pose as Warrior is demonstrating beautifully above. Then back into child's pose.
From here, we moved back into standing into wide leg stretches (see below for my fancy stick figure drawings), also known as a prasarita padottanasana vinyasa (wide stretch flow). Then we did triangle (trikonasana) pose using a block, then ended with a forward bend.
We moved to the wall at this point to do our shoulder stretches which included stretching the median nerve (the nerve that connects from our neck and shoulders down the wrist), elbows at 90° (both down and then up), fingers crossed overhead, and then clocks.
We ended with legs up the wall, lying on our mats (viparita karani) for 3 minutes. Then we hugged knees to the chest and ended with prayer and many pictures. It was a wonderful morning and I think we definitely got an all-over stretch!
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