Don't Stop Till You Get Enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AO: The Neighborhood Q’s: Sweet Tooth (Respect) and Yachty (Respect) We completed 2 miles last night. Sweet Tooth and I took turns giving the exercises which were completed as we walked. We had to do 30 reps of each exercise, they included Front toe touches, crossing arms in front of you, Bringing arms back, lift your leg behind you (alternate), Single leg toe taps to the side, crossing arms in front of you (alternate), Alternate knee touches (hands up!), Alternate ham string curls, bringing arms back, Alternating side squats while side stepping, Front leg kick opposite hand to opposite foot, and Alternating wide side steps touching inside of calf. Shout out to Disciple, boy she can walk fast!! Way to go!!! While walking we noticed that The Neighborhood was a pretty good area. Shelter from the rain just like BattleGround II, and lots of different areas to have many different kinds of exercises. FUN, FUN!!! COT and Prayer PAX: Disciple (Double Respect/Curtsy), Justice, Daisy (Respect), Minnie, The Force, Tinker, and 2.0 Boo.
