Babies are the best

 Friday, 30 July 2021

The Breakfast Club

Q: The Force

PAX: Elevate, Warrior, Waves, Captain Camo

2.0: Coupon (I think that's the FiA name chosen)

Warm-up: We started with some yoga on the mat, downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana) into upward facing dog (urdhva mukha svanasana). Then we moved into pigeon pose (eka pada rajakapotanasana) on each side, then thread-the-needle (cakravakasana parivrtti) and child's pose (balasana). Then we stood up and did a warrior flow (virabidhrasana 1 and 2), inhale into warrior 1, exhale into warrior 2, inhale into reverse warrior; 5 times each side.

Workout: We did a countdown workout 4-3-2-1, four 1-mintute exercises, then a 1-minute rest, then three 1-minute exercises, etc; two total sets.

Four 1-minute exercises:

  • plie squat lunges
  • boy bands
  • American pie sit-ups
  • Russian twists

Three 1-minute exercises:

  • shoulder taps
  • narwhals
  • goddess dips

Two 1-minute exercises:

  • speed skaters
  • standing yoga twist crunches 

One 1-minute exercise:

  • plank (any kind-regular, forearm, reverse, bear, side planks)


Cooldown: We walked a lap around the church. Then picture and prayer (thanks Warrior). We spent some time cooing and gushing over Waves' baby, thank you for bringing her! Thank you ladies for the fellowship! 
