Saturday, 19 June 2021
AO: The Battleground (Pearson Park)
Q: The Force
PAX: Skipper, Pump, Captain Camo, Ziggy
Warm-up: Walk/Run/Jog to the 2nd light pole. Arm circles, spread legs and bend forward moving to center, right, left and back to center.
Round 1: 5 exercises, countdown reps starting from 10, then run/walk/jog to 1st light pole. Then 9 reps of each, run/walk/jog a lap and so on down to 1 rep of each. Round 1 exercises shoulder presses, Raggedy Anns (each side counts as 1), tricep dips, squats, push-ups.
Round 2: The 5 exercises for round 2 were jump ropes, bicep curls, Russian twists (each side counts as 1), butt kicks (each side counts as 1) and crunches.
Cool down: Walked a lap to 1st light pole then did a few stretches. We ended with child's pose, COT and announcements.
We completed a total of 55 reps of each exercise! That's 55 reps of shoulder presses, Raggedy Anns, tricep dips, squats, push-ups, jump ropes, bicep curls, Russian twists, butt kicks and crunches. And we walked/ran/jogged about 22-23 laps! All that in the heat! Great job ladies, thank you so much for joining me this morning!
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