04 June 2021
The Breakfast Club
AO: Tanglewood (The Shed)
Q: The Force
PAX: Captain Camo, Plunge (welcome back!), Free Bird, Spark
Workout: We were all about yoga on this wet, humid morning! We started in kneeling form with a kneeling vinyasa (flow) following the breath we started sitting on our heels (Nagasana-inhale), coming down to child's pose (Balasana-exhale), coming up into table (Vrisabhasana-inhale), lifting the hips up into downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana-exhale), back into table (Vrisabhasana-inhale), back into child's pose (Balasana-exhale) and ended sitting on our heels (Nagasana-inhale). We followed this vinyasa 5 total times, the first two together then the last 3 at our own pace following our breath.
We then moved into "cat-cow" 5 times (actual names: Bidalasana to Cakravakasana). From Cakravakasana ("cow") we brought one elbow down, opposite leg up and straight back and did 10 toe taps/leg lifts. Then we moved into a Bidalasana (cat) variation where we brought one arm up, opposite leg up and reached back, we held each side for 5 breaths. Then down into child's pose for 5 breaths (we held the pose, not our breaths!). Thread the needle (Cakravakasana Parivrtti-5 breaths each side), child's pose, into sideways child (Parsva Balasana) and back into child's pose. We then ended our kneeling poses with a side plank with the lower knee down on the mat to stabilize (Vasisthasana-sage pose) into Parighasana (gate pose) bending to the side of the extended leg and then into a forward low lunge (Banarasana variation). All this was 5 breaths each side.
Then we moved into seated forms starting with one leg extended, the other knee bent into a forward bend (Janu Sirsasana-knee head). Then we placed the bent knee onto the outside of the extended leg and twisted to the opposite side (Ardha Matsyendrasana). Forward bend with both legs extended in front (Dandasana). Then, with our hands behind us on the mat, legs extended, we lifted the hips up into a back bend (Pursvatanasana) and then added a variation of this with a reverse tricep dip then leg lifts, 10 times each side. Then into a butterfly forward bend (Baddha Konasana).
Before moving into our inverted vinyasa (flow), we stopped to stretch out our wrists and fingers from the previous back bend. The inverted vinyasa started with downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) into plank (Chaturanga Dandasana) into side plank (Vasisthasana) then into a push-up, into the other side plank (Vasisthasana), back to plank (Chaturanga Dandasana), ending back into downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana). We repeated this flow 5 times.
We ended yoga with standing form, particularly with a Warrior vinyasa (flow). We started with Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I-inhale here), into Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II-exhale), into reverse warrior (Virabhadrasana I variation-inhale), exhale back into Warrior II, inhale back into Warrior I. We repeated each side 5 times and then ended with a forward bend (Uttanasana).
Announcements, COT, and picture wrapped up our session. I hope everyone enjoyed the workout!
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