Functions of the Spine Yoga


07 May 2021

The Breakfast Club

AO: Tanglewood Church

Q: The Force

PAX: Captain Camo, Warrior, Breakout, Elevate

Workout: Today we focused on a full yoga sequence with an emphasis on the functions of the spine. We did various poses in different forms, starting with all standing poses, then we moved to kneeling, seated, and ended with supine poses. We worked on poses with neutral alignment (the spine's natural form), axial extensions, back bends, forward bends, lateral bends and twists. See below for my fancy stick figure drawings 😂

*We did not do Seated Angle pose (Upavistha Konasana).

 We ended with a few minutes in Corpse pose (Savasana) with towels rolled up under our knees. We then finished up with announcements and Captain Camo led us in prayer.
