19 May 2021
Play Date
New AO: Bill Fay Park
Q: The Force
PAX: Strike-out, Justice, Gypsy, Pump, Hurricane, On Pointe, Green Thumb
2.0s: Purple Monkey, Pop Tart, Tutu Cute, Slipper, Cowboy, Mario, Cookie Monster, Monster Truck and a few more.
Warm-up: Starting on the right side with right leg in front, we were in a low lunge and inhaled into a slight back bend, arms overhead. We then exhaled into a forward bend straightening the front knee. We placed the left hand next to the right foot and twisted the right arm up towards the sky. Then back into the forward bend. We then reached back towards the back leg into an axial extension; and back into the forward bend. We brought the front right leg to the side and exhaled over to the side in a lateral bend. Then, you guessed it, back into the forward bend! My super professional stick figures are below for a visual.
Workout: 7 exercises, 45 seconds of work, 15 second rest, working from top to bottom starting with all arm exercises, then on to abs, butt exercises, and we ended with legs. We had a 1-minute break in between sets.
1st round, Arms:
- Plank (any variation)
- Bicep curls
- Tricep dips
- Shoulder taps
- Side-to-side planks
- Shoulder press
- Chaturanga (narrow) push-ups
2nd round, Abs:
- Raggedy Anns
- Jackknife sit-ups
- Bear plank (engage the core)
- Standing yoga twist crunch
- Reverse plank hip dips
- Russian twists
- Forearm plank leg lifts
3rd round, Butt:
- Bridge step-outs
- Fire hydrants
- Sit backs (on knees, sit back on heels and come back up squeezing butt)
- Table leg lifts (in table position, place left elbow down, lift right leg from side to side, switch sides)
- Donkey kicks
- Bridge lifts (1 leg straight up in the air)
- Squats
4th round, Legs:
- Lunge dips (back leg up and down)-left leg in front first
- Lunge dips, right side
- Speed skaters
- Calf raises
- High knees
- Inner thigh leg lifts, 1 side first
- Inner thigh leg lifts, other side
Cool down: Kneeling vinyasa (flow)
- Start sitting on the heels, toes curled under-inhale
- Come down into child's pose-exhale
- Come up into a table position-inhale
- Lift the butt up into downward facing dog-exhale
- Bring the knees down into table position-inhale
- Push back into child's pose-exhale
- Come sitting up on heels-inhale
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