Bye Bye Bellies!!!

5/26/2021 5:30pm AO: Battleground II Q: Yachty (Respect) Thank goodness for the rain!!! 30 seconds/15 second rest x 2 rounds Cross leg crunch-Right side, Cross crunch reach-Right side, Starfish crunch-Right side, Cross leg crunch-Left side, Cross crunch reach-Left, Starfish crunch-Left side, Russian Bicycles (try to touch your forearms to opposite thigh when pedaling), Oblique v-ups-Left side, Brooke Burkes-Left side, Oblique crunches-Left side, Oblique crunches-Right side, Brooke Burkes-Right side, Oblique v-ups Right side, Regular crunches, Alternating sprinter sit ups, Shoulders of the mat/pulse to the count of 100, Toe Reaches, Prayer crunches, Right Plank knee to nose, left plank knee to nose, crunch and elbow knee touches, ½ sit ups punch out to the side (alternate), Russian Twist/tap the ground. Whew, we were sweating!!! And who knew there were so many versions of crunches, but we did it!! COT: Prayers and good ju ju going up for everyone!!!!! PAX: Tour Guide(Double respect and a curtsy), , Minnie, Daisy (Respect), Lavender
