Seven Minutes in Heaven
AO: Bill Fay
Q: Green Thumb
PAX: Hurricane, On Pointe, The Force
Warm-Up (5 minutes)
Disclaimer (not a professional)
10 Reach Ups
10 Leg Swings
10 Side Lunges
10 Overhead Claps
7 Minutes in Heaven- PAX have one minute to complete 10 of each exercise. If they finish early, they can rest. If they are struggling to finish all exercises, try dropping back to 8. Repeat the exercises 7 times for a total of 7 minutes. Take a one minute break.
Round One: 10 Suicides, 10 Hillbillies, 10 Overhead Claps
Round Two: 10 Jumping Jacks, 10 Hip Dips, 10 Ankle Taps (in down dog)
Round Three: 10 Russian Twists, 10 Chest Fly, 10 Mountain Climbers
Round Four: 10 Skaters with weights, 10 Single leg lunge w/ weight pull up, 10 Glute bridge hold with lat pull downs
Round Five: 10 Hold curtsey lunge with bicep curls (change leg each round), 10 Full Moons (weights in hands, palms facing out, squat down and lower weights in front of knees. As you stand up, raise weights out to the sides (making a circle) until standing tall with weights overhead, lower back into squat, tracing circle again. 10 Dollys (lay on mat, lift head/shoulders and legs, move legs out and in)
Rest/Water while walking around the park
Cooldown (5 minutes)
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