Friday, April 9, 2021
The Breakfast Club
Q: The Force
PAX: Capt. Camo, Sarge, Warrior, Elevate, Ziggy
Warm-up: Yoga with Chair squats (Utkatasana), forward bend (Uttanasana), arms up overhead into a slight back bend (Urdhva Hastasana), forward bend, lateral bend with back leg in curtsy (courtesy of Whole Grain), forward bend, triangle pose (Trikonasana), forward bend.
Workout: 3 cycles of 7 exercises, each exercise was 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest.
- Lunge dips (Warrior 1-Virabidhrasana)
- Plank push-ups (Chaturanga-elbows close to the body)
- Yoga squats (hands behind back, lift leg up 3 times, twist crunch, squat)
- Table leg lifts (Hamasasana-bend one elbow down to mat, straighten opposite leg out and lift up and down tapping toe on the ground)
- Shoulder taps
- Yoga sit-ups (on back, arms overhead, knees bent; crunch knees to chest bringing arms up, spread legs into V bringing arms in the middle)
- Bridge step-outs (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana-alternate stepping feet out while holding bridge)
We had extra time so I introduced a Vinyasa (flow) that went:
- Downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) with hip circles *modified is table position with hip circles*
- Bring butt down to plank position
- Move over to side plank (Vasisthasana) *add top leg lift for challenge*
- Back to plank, bring knees down for modified push-up
- Over to other side plank
- Back to plank
- Lift butt up to down dog
We did that Vinyasa (flow) for a total of 2 minutes.
Cool down: We started with right side and then switched over to the other side.
- Downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svansana) with hip circles *table position with hip circles for modified*
- Lifting right leg up, bend leg towards the left side as for slight twist (like you're going to flip to reverse plank)
- Up into Warrior 1 (Virabidhrasana)
- Warrior 1 with back leg up off mat
- Low lunge
- Placing left hand next to front foot, twist towards bent front knee twisting right hand up to the sky
- We stood up to wide-legged pose (Prasarita Padottanasana) and bent forward
- Bending the right knee, we walked the hands over to the left foot
- We walked the hands over to the middle into a forward bend
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