The Battle Challenge

Title: The Battle Challenge AO: The Woodshed Day/Time: Monday, April 19, 2021 5:00am Q: Elevate Pax: Sarge, Queen Bee, Warrior, Little Mitten, Green Thumb, Caption Cameo, Break Out The Thang: 7 Stations: Srength training & Cardio 45 seconds each with 10 second rest x 2 Rounds Warm Up: Arm Circles, Squats, Arm Swings Station 1: Battle Rope/ Jumping Squats Station 2: Hammer Curls ( 1/2 & full)/ Squat Step-Out Station 3: Traveling Push Ups/ Reverse Lunge with pulse Station 4: Tricep Kickbacks/ Skaters Station 5: Rolling Shoulder Press/ Plank Jack with hop-in Station 6: Slam Ball/ Run Station 7: Summo Squat March ABS: Raggedy Ann's, Double Crunch, Pilates Hold (20 each) Announcements,COT,Prayer
