Making Ourselves 2% Stronger Than Our Excuses
AO: BattleGround
Beatdown by Yachty ~Standing abs and no repeat low impact cardio~ 45 seconds each with a 15 second break
Warm-O-Rama: Ballerina
Elbow to knee, straight kick-Ground Touch Jack-Wood Chopper –Sumo Squat Walk -Elbow to knee, oblique crunch.
Butt Blaster-Slow crunch with Straight leg kick-Squat alternate knee, then Slight Run in place (bringing feet in and out) -Prisoner High knee
Side to side punch-Side crunch and side leg lift -Curtsy floor tap (going to each corner of the mat in the back)
Chair twist-Squat turn lunge-Leg reach crunch-Ice skater cross punch
Squat side crunch-Squat pulse-Straight leg toe touch -Cardio kicks
Torso High Rotation (With weights if you like, ½ circle right to left)-Weave and jab
Elbow knee, straight kick-Weave and jab-Hi-low chop-Pulsing Sumo squat punch in and out to the front
Knee twist obligue crunch (Same leg, alternate sides)-Sumo squat pulse bring weights to chin (alternate)
Standing crunch to your Straight leg-Lateral walk (if you wanted to, hold weights palms up, bring them towards body as you walk sideways)
Prisoner high knee (SLOW!)-Squat, tip toe press-Side leg lift oblique crunch-Lunge twisting to the sides
Chair sit oblique-Side lunge, twist at waist bringing knee up-Single leg reach ext’s-
In-n-Out fast feet do with knees bent
Side squat crunch to the side-Butt Kick alternating legs-Hand to toe straight leg-
Hi-Low punch -High rotation (with weight)-Plie front punch (holding weights, punch them in and out and up and down)
Cool-O-Rama: Pinky Chef
COT/PAX: Sweet Tooth (Respect), Pinky Chef, Ballerina, Daisy (Respect), Flossy (Double Respect/Curtsy), Coach (Double Respect/Curtsy), Whole Grain (Respect), Sunset (Double Respect/Curtsy), Sweet Tooth (Respect)
FNG: Sue Hobbs Harley Girl (Double Respect/Curtsy). Welcome Harley Girl, you did a GREAT job tonight.
Prayer: Harley Girl
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