21 April 2021
Play Date
AO: The Battleground
Q: The Force
PAX: Mama Goat, Detective, On Pointe, Hurricane, tons of 2.0's and future FIA ladies!
Warm-up: We stretched hamstrings by bending one knee in and having one leg straight out and slowly reaching for our ankles/toes (Janu Sirsasana), then we bent out knee over the straightened leg and twisted to the opposite side (Ardha Matsyendrasana), then we did child's pose (Balasana), sideways child pose (Parsva Balasana), thread the needle (Cakravakasana Parivrtti) and child's pose again.
Workout: We did 3 different exercises 20 reps of each exercise and repeated each cycle 3 times.
Cycle 1:
- Raggedy Anns in sumo squat
- Downdog leg extensions with 3 toe taps and then crunch
- Bridge pose bringing arms and 1 knee at a time up (crunch)
Cycle 2:
- forearm plank, straighten 1 arm up, then the other, then back down
- side-to-side planks
- squat, lift leg to the side
Cycle 3:
- squats (any kind)
- yoga sit ups
- on knees, lift arms straight up, bend arms in tricep dips, bring elbows 90° (this can be done with or without weights)
Cool down: knees to chest, happy baby, knees to chest.
COT and picture, thanks ladies!
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