Take It To The Curb

Some of us got to the BattleGround early so we decided to start Random leg stretches while waiting for the others. Always lots of laughs and conversations. Sunrise, (whose name was changed to Legs tonight) arrived and we were off. We looked across the river to see if we could see The Force, I promised the group would wave if we saw her. But no such luck. We tried!!! We Moseyed (is that even spelled right IDK?) to the parking lot across the street. We did more Leg stretches and ran a little to loosen up. Tonight was going to be a hard beat down for our legs, booty and abs. Most of the exercises were done for a minute, but we did have two where we did the whole song. Doing the fast steps/taps to the song Footloose was lots of fun. We were stationary at first, but then we traveled. Coach even started acting like a Rocketts girl, and then she and Sweet Tooth started clapping and tapping and we all joined in. Traveling heel taps to the front and to the back (grapevine) Jungle Love We did this to the Full song. 20 second rest. Corner to corner leg raises to the back Some Like it Hot 20 second rest. Sumo squats (straddle the parking stone). 20 second rest. Side leg raises (alternate). Rest 20 seconds. Deep side lunges (Right) keep one foot on the curb. Neutron Dance. 20 Second rest. Deep Side lunges (Left) Keeping one foot on the curb. 20 Second rest. Traveling Regular squats. 20 second rest. Calf raises. Rest 20 seconds. Corner to corner with a hop (grapevine with a hop) Pump Up the Jam. 20 Second rest. Skiier. 20 Second rest. Over the tops. 20 Second rest . Brandon Ingrams. Rest 20 seconds. Plank side knee crunch You Dropped a Bomb on Me. 20 Second rest. Plank with knee taps. 20 Second rest. Fast mountain climbers. 20 Second rest. Cross knee mountain climbers. 20 Second rest. Fast steps on and off (travel) Footloose (Full song, rotate clockwise). 20 Second rest. Push ups Girls Just Want to Have Fun. 20 Second rest. On the curb crunches. 20 Second rest. Almost done, but we had to do our 2 Laps around the parking lot. This group worked hard tonight, dripping sweat, but we had fun. Cool down by Coach. COT. So glad that Ballerina, Pinky Chef, Rat-a-tat, Sunrise (now known as Legs), Coach, Hurricane, Sweet Tooth, Cookie Monster, Cookie, Aussie, and Whole Grain enjoyed themselves. Q: Yachty....... Happy Belated Legs (her bday was March 12th)
