Saturday, 13 March 2021
Rise & Shine
AO: The Battleground
Q: The Force
PAX: Green Thumb, Sweet Tooth, 757, Roadrunner, Captain Camo, Gypsy, Justice, Warrior, Breakout
2.0s: Slipper, Pop Tart, Pirouette, Purple Monkey, Cowboy
I just added a copy of my stick figure drawings as I think that's easier to get the sequence I used to warm-up. I then had everybody walk/run to the bridge and back.
Workout: Countdown 5-4-3-2-1, where we did 5-1 minute exercises/yoga poses. I varied between regular exercises and yoga. We repeated the countdown twice.
5 minute countdown(each exercise/pose was done for 1 minute):
- jumping jacks
- yoga lifts, crunch squats (I gotta come up with a name for these!)
- butt kicks
- Goddess pose oblique dips
- Downdog crunches with side to side hip dips
4 minute countdown:
- forearm side plank oblique dips
- lunges
- Brandon Ingrams
- Warrior 1-2 vinyasa (flow), Warrior 1 on inhale, exhale to Warrior II, inhale to reverse Warrior, exhale bending over with elbow on front knee.
3 minute countdown:
- Vasisthasana to parighasana, side plank to gate pose
- Sphinx or cobra (bhujanghasana)to child's pose (balasana)
- Russian twists
2 minute countdown:
- squats
- yoga crunches
1 minute countdown:
- plank (regular, side, bear or reverse)
Cool down: Thread the needle (Cakravakasana Parivrtti), Child's Pose (Balasana), Sideways child's pose (Parsva Balasana), Belly turning (Jathara Parivrtti), Happy baby (Apanasana variation), knees to chest (Apanasana). We held each pose for about 3-5 breaths, moving slowly through each pose.
COT and announcements then the group broke, some joining 757 in the extra credit ruck and some going home. Great way to start our Saturday, thanks ladies!
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