23 February 2021
AO: The Battleground
Q: The Force
PAX: Gayla-FNG-Hope (FIA name), 757, Gabby-FNG-Aussie, Jewel-FNG-Special J, Bailarina, Pinky Chef, Sweet Tooth, Theresa-FNG-Lady MacDonald, Yachty, Teresa-FNG-Beach Bum, Hurricane, Breakout, Coach, Sassy Spaniel, Green Thumb
2.0 PAX: Cookie Monster, Cookie Monster Jr.
Warm-up: We moseyed/walked/ran to the second light pole and back to the stage.
Yoga Sequences:
I started typing out every detail and direction that I gave, describing each pose and this blog was just way too long, so I'm going to add pictures of the actual sequence that I wrote out. Those are stick figures because I can't draw, but I think they sort of (maybe?) convey what the poses should look like. I also have the original Sanskrit names for the poses, as that was how I was trained, you can ignore those or learn them for funsies 😂.
After our standing poses and a water break, we moved into kneeling poses.
We switched to prone (on the belly) poses. When we got to Salabhasana (Locust, also called 'Superman'), I did not have everyone try out Dhanurasana, also called Bow pose. I was running out of time and wanted to get done in time.
We then ended in supine (on the back) poses and into our cool down. I actually had about 10 more poses but, again, I wanted to finish our work out on time. I'll have to introduce them next time.
Q-ing was fun and also scary, but mostly fun! We had a lot of FNG's and thanks to 757's organization, (she kept roll for me, I totally forgot to do that) I was able to add the roll call list to my first blog. All in all, I think I did okay. I received a lot of grunts, groans, and "I'm going to be sore tomorrow", which I'm taking as a positive and I really hope no one is too sore today to not want to try yoga again. 😂 I tried to balance yoga with some regular workout exercises and I think I achieved that. Plus, (I forgot to mention this at the workout), we definitely achieved this weeks FIA's goal of stretching for 21 minutes!
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