First of all, we are so lucky to have the AO BattleGround #2 and that Flossy was able to join us. Thankfully she recovered from her HARDEE's food poisoning and is doing a whole lot better. When the loving beatdown started it was raining buckets. That being said, all the PAX were really disappointed we couldn't travel today. So before we started a unanimous decision was made!! The Monday evening crew will travel even if it was raining. Everyone will make sure they have a raincoat in their car just in case, and Coach will go to the dollar store to buy shower caps for everyone to wear. Pinky Chef was worried about her hair and we all promised to support her by wearing caps if she agreed to join us.
Disclosure: I am not a professional, modify as you see fit. Modifications shown prior to each excerise.
After that discussion, The Force started us off with stretching. We had to make sure and do the challenge for week 7 which is 21 minutes of stretching, which we did throughout the workout. And then we began. Three sets of Each excercise completed for 30 seconds with a 20 second rest in between. All of us are so excited to have the new props at BattleGround #2 so we made sure to use them when we could.
The beatdown consisted of Incline push (done on the green things) Double Mountain Climbers, Overhead Tricep Extensions, Tricep Kickbacks, Cross Body Crunches, Mountain Climbers, Skull Crushers, Decline Shoulder Taps (on the green things), Push Ups (on the green things), Standing Shoulder Closures, and then Sumo squats with Alternating leg lifts. Side, back, and front.
Half way through the workout, Herbie noticed a rainbow was forming and had to go take pictures. Then Sweet Tooth saw it was a double rainbow. It was beautiful!! People driving by were probably wondering what in the world we were doing, because we all took whatever excercise we doing at the time, and did them outside of the shelter. We couldn't miss the amazing view. We even had to keep telling Coach to come back in and quit cheating on the excercises gazing at the rainbows.
The grand finale was the "ab circle." Each PAX called out an ab excercise and the whole group in cadence counted out 12 reps. The Force finished us with some more stretching. And oh Lord, Flossy and Coach kept us laughing, and everyone had to remind Yachty which leg and arm was supposed to be where. Yoga can be confusing you all!!
COT: Reminder of all the VQ's for this week. Show your support and love!!
PAX in attendance: Yachty-Q (respect), Ballerina, Pinky Chef, Flossie (Double respect), Coach (Double respect), The Force, Sweet Tooth (Respect), Herbie.
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