02.25.2021 - 7 of Diamonds



The Battleground

Q - 757

PAX - Herbie, Slipper (2.0), Sweet Tooth, Pirouette (2.0), Aussie, Whole Grain (Respect), Green Thumb, Beach Bum, Hurricane, Fitness (FNG)

Warm up:

10 jumping jacks

10 good mornings

10 cherry pickers

10 air squats

10 criss cross arms

10 jump ropes

7 of Diamonds:

PAX travel around a diamond doing 7 reps of one exercise at each cone.  PAX do 14 reps of a different exercise the second time around, 21 reps the third time, 28 reps the fourth time, 21 reps the 5th time, 14 reps the sixth time, and back to 7 reps the seventh time around.

Cone 1

Jump Squats

Cone 2

Standing ankle biters (1 rep is 1 crunch each side)

Cone 3


Cone 4

Lat/Front Raises

In between rotations (if you get back to your first cone before everyone else), hold a plank as long as you can to pick up the 6.  When everyone is back at their first cone, mosey to the 1st light pole and back.

Sally - Glute Bridges/Ankle Biters

Cool Down - 

Pigeon Pose to one leg stretch

Hip Flexor Stretch



Child’s Pose

COT - Name-a-rama and 
