HIIT It Ladies!!!

 AO Battleground

Q: Yachty

Pax: Hurricane, The Force, Sweet Tooth.  2.0's--Cookie Monster and mini Cookie Monster, Cowboy, and Mario.

Basic warm up x5 minutes

The Thang

Jumping Jacks 1:00 min

Dead Lifts 1:00 min

Lateral Leg Lifts standing.  Rounds 2 and 3 laying down. 2:00 mins

Inner thigh lifts standing. Rounds 2 and 3 laying down. 2:00 mins

Wall bridge 1:15 mins

Reverse crunch with butt lift 1:15 mins

High knees :30 secs

Heisman :30 secs

Calf raises feet together 1:00 min

Wide Calf raises 1:00 min

Jump rope in place 1:00 min.  Rounds 2 and 3 around the world.

15 second break between excercises. Complete a total of 3 sets.

