01.14.2021 - Partner Up!


01.14.2021 5:30 pm 

Q - 757

AO: The Battleground

PAX - Off Road, Spielberg, Green Thumb, Hurricane, Cookie Monsters (2.0), Pirouette (2.0)

The Thang:

Warm UP - Good Mornings, Cherry Pickers, Criss Cross Arms

       To the song “Downtown” march/jog in place and when the word downtown is sung, do a burpee

Mosey to the light pole and back

The Legalator:

  • 10 Bobby Hurleys
  • 10 Bobby Hurleys, 20 Calf Raises
  • 10 Bobby Hurleys, 20 Calf Raises, 30 Monkey Humpers
  • 10 Bobby Hurleys, 20 Calf Raises, 30 Monkey Humpers, 40 Squats

Dora 1-2-3 - Partner Up to complete (1 partner jogs to the 1st light pole, while the other does the exercises, and then switch until all exercises are complete):

  • 100 Hand Release Push Ups
  • 200 LBCs (Little Baby Crunches)
  • 300 Jumping Jacks

If your group finishes, go help another group finish theirs

Arm-a-geddon - Schoolin’ Life

Hurricane led 5 minute core work

81 Second Plank Challenge

Cool Down - Static Stretching

COT - Reflect on: “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”
